鏡界 (kagami-kai)


welcome to the mirror-world



僕は「今更」の時と「公開」の時と「望み」の時と「愛」の時の「旦那」です。全ての時は「薔薇海」で居るで、 こういう海は「この世界の時間の海」です。そして、「薔薇海」は僕の「家」だから、僕は「薔薇海の旦那」です。「薔薇海」は時間的な海だから、 もう死んだ人だけは「旦那」になれます。僕の死だあと、天国に来た。前の存在は人間だけど、ほとんど全部忘れたが、名前だけ思い出した。 人間の生活の記憶は一だけ思い出した。好きなひとの名前を呼んでいた。「順平。」天国の生まれ変わりは人間じゃないで、海雀です。海雀は小さいな水鳥で、 僕の体はほとんど人間みたいですが、僕は黒い海雀の翼があるんです

天国の来た時に、狛犬さんは「海雀は時間の守る人だから、あんたは大切の存在です。 前の海雀は殺されたけど、あんたはちょっと違い感じがあるんだが。だから、長い、長いあいだに続けているだろうな。。。あんたの仕事は大切だけど、 あんたの心は強いになりなさい。あんたの心は碁石みたいになりなさい。揺るぎなくて、自身があって、音は涼みたいな透明で、碁各みたいな人になりなさい。 そんなことをやると、進める。でも、やらなくったら、死ぬ。」










did you know, yuuji-kun?

i am the master of the house of TIMES WHEN THE TIME IS ALREADY TOO LATE FOR SUCH THINGS, TIMES OF REGRET, TIMES OF WISHES, AND TIMES OF LOVE. all of these times live in the ROSE SEA, which is THE OCEAN OF TIME OF THIS WORLD. therefore, in other words, the "HOUSE" i am master of is THE ROSE SEA. so, that makes me the LORD OF ROSE SEA. because the rose sea is a temporal sea, only those who have died can become its lord and master. after i died, i came to the heavens. before, my existence was human, but i forgot almost everything, though i remember my name alone. i have one memory from my existence as a human. my beloved calling my name. "JUNPEI."

my reincarnation in heaven isn't human, but rather an umisuzume. an umisuzume is a small water bird, but my body is very like a human's, though i have an umisuzume's wings.

when i came to heaven, one komainu-san told me, "umisuzume are those that protect time, so you are a precious existence. all the umisuzume before were killed, but you have a different feeling about you, i should think. so, i think you shall continue for a long, long time, huh? your job is worthy, but you must have a strong heart. you must have the heart of a go stone. you must be unwavering, you must have courage, you must resound as clearly as a silver bell, you must act like a go player.

if you do these things, you will advance.

but if you do not, you will die."

this is my curse. THE UMISUZUME'S CURSE.

i have forgotten almost everything. the good. the bad, too.

but, in one memory i possess...i have:
1. my name
2. the name of my beloved

yuuji-kun, i wait here.

hurry, please. it's been 1000 years already.

hurry. because i want to meet. one more time.

just one more time.
